InfoLibrarian Metadata Integration Adapters™

Capture, Document & Manage nfs-unix Metadata


InfoLibrarian Metadata Adapter™ for NFS-UNIX

Adpapter Type : file-systems

Adapter Category : file-systems

Adapter : InfoLibrarian Universal File Scanner™

Adapter Description : Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems in 1984,[1] allowing a user on a client computer to access files over a network in a manner similar to how local storage is accessed. NFS, like many other protocols, builds on the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) system. The Network File System is an open standard defined in RFCs, allowing anyone to implement the protocol. One obstacle to migrating from UNIX to Windows is file sharing. If you have a UNIX computer with files shared out via NFS then you can make that share available to all Windows computers in the network without installing additional software on them. One single Windows Server can act as the gateway between the UNIX computer and the Windows clients by installing Gateway for NFS. By installing Gateway for NFS on a Windows server, you can provide access to your NFS resources without having to load any additional software on other Windows clients. Gateway for NFS is only supported on Windows servers and cannot be installed on Windows NT Workstation, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows XP. InfoLibrarian Universal File Adapter™ can scan, capture and document files and metadata from Unix systems using the NFS gateway.

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